The majority of Websites are now content managed using popular Web applications such as WordPress, Drupal, Modx, Joomla etc.
As with all software it is important to keep it updated with the latest security patches, version updgrades and to keep plugins, themes, templates etc. updated also. This helps reduce the threat of the Web application being hacked as Website applications that are not updated to the latest version run the risk of being compromised, generally resulting in defacement and/or loss of data.
It is highly recommended to use strong passwords (containing upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characaters) for FTP, Hosting Control Panel, Database and Web application user logins. This access data should then be kept securely to help prevent unauthorised access.
It is also highly recommended to take regular backups of your Website. Backup tools are available in your cPanel hosting control panel or backup tools may be installed in your Web application. There is also the option of using automated backup systems that can restore the Website to a particular point in time such as our Codeguard service. In the event of a mistake or the Website being hacked then the site can be restored from backup to an earlier intact version. It is important to note that backups generated from your hosting control panel or Web application should be stored securely on a local computer and/or other remote system and not on the same server as your Website.